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quinta-feira, 28 de julho de 2011

Descobertas sétima e oitava bases do DNA

Cientistas descobrem sétima e oitava bases do DNA
Como as novas bases do DNA representam um estado intermediário no processo de demetilação, elas podem ser importantes para a reprogramação celular e para o câncer, já que os dois envolvem a desmetilação do DNA.
Quantas bases tem o DNA?
Durante décadas, os cientistas consideraram que o DNA é composto por quatro unidades básicas - adenina, guanina, timina e citosina.
Essas quatro bases são ensinadas nas escolas e nos livros de ciência e formaram a base do conhecimento crescente sobre como os genes codificam a vida.
No entanto, em 2010, eles expandiram essa lista de 4 para 6.
Agora, pesquisadores da Universidade da Carolina do Norte, nos Estados Unidos, descobriram as sétima e oitava bases do DNA.
Novas bases do DNA
As duas bases mais "novas" do DNA são 5-formilcitosina e 5-carboxilcitosina.
Elas são na verdade versões da citosina que foram modificadas por proteínas Tet, entidades moleculares que se acredita terem um papel importante na demetilação (ou desmetilação) do DNA e na reprogramação das células-tronco.
Assim, a descoberta pode trazer avanços para a pesquisa com células-tronco, dando um vislumbre das mudanças no DNA - como a remoção de grupos químicos através da demetilação - que poderiam reprogramar células adultas para fazê-las agir como células-tronco.
"Antes que possamos compreender a magnitude desta descoberta, temos que descobrir a função dessas novas bases," disse Yi Zhang, autor principal do estudo.
"Como essas bases representam um estado intermediário no processo de demetilação, elas podem ser importantes para a reprogramação celular e para o câncer, já que os dois envolvem a desmetilação do DNA."
Precisão do experimento
Já se sabe bastante sobre a quinta base, a 5-metilcitosina. Esta metilação está associada com o silenciamento genético, uma vez que ela faz a dupla hélice do DNA dobrar-se ainda mais apertado sobre si mesma.
No ano passado, o grupo de Zhang descobriu que as proteínas Tet podem converter a 5-metilC (a quinta base) em 5-hidroximetilC (a sexta base do DNA) no primeiro de uma reação de quatro passos, trazendo de volta a tradicional citosina.
Mas, por mais que tentassem, os pesquisadores não conseguiram continuar a reação para atingir as sétima e oitava bases, agora chamadas 5-formilC e 5-carboxiC.
O problema, eles finalmente descobriram, não era que a Tet não estava dando os segundo e terceiro passos, mas que seu experimento não era sensível o suficiente para detectá-los.
Assim que perceberam as limitações do ensaio, eles reprojetaram o experimento e, de fato, foram capazes de detectar as duas novas bases do DNA.

A anestesia é perigosa?

Mudanças nos pacientes
Em termos puramente numéricos, o número de mortes associadas à anestesia aumentou novamente.
As razões para isso são o aumento desproporcional no número de pacientes mais velhos e com múltiplas morbidades, e procedimentos cirúrgicos que teriam sido impensáveis no passado.
Este é o resultado de uma revisão seletiva da literatura médica, realizada pelo grupo do Dr. André Gottschalk, do Hospital Universitário Bochum, na Alemanha.
Mortes por anestesia
Na década de 1940, a mortalidade relacionada à anestesia foi 6,4/10.000.
Com a introdução de normas de segurança, como a oximetria de pulso e a capnometria, a taxa foi reduzida para 0,4/100.000 por final de 1980.
Este valor ainda se aplica para pacientes sem doenças sistêmicas relevantes.
Entretanto, a mortalidade aumentou em pacientes com comorbidades relevantes, atingindo 0,69/100.000.
Essas comorbidades incluem a insuficiência cardíaca, angina, insuficiência renal crônica e hipertensão maligna grave.
Novos padrões
Devido a melhorias nas normas de segurança, os pacientes portadores das comorbidades agora têm sido submetidos a cirurgias, algo que seria impensável no passado.
Outro fator que explica o aumento da mortalidade relacionada à anestesia é o fato de que a proporção de pacientes que têm mais de 65 anos [na Alemanha] subiu de 28,8% em 2005 para 40,9% em 2009.

New Tasks Attributed to Aurora Proteins in Cell Division

ScienceDaily (July 27, 2011) — When a cell divides, the genetic information in the chromosomes must be passed on error-free to the daughter cells. Researchers at the Friedrich Miescher Laboratory in Tübingen are studying this process using fission yeast as a model organism. In cooperation with researchers at the University of Tübingen, they succeeded in attributing additional tasks to the Aurora enzymes, which were already recognized as important cellular tools for the reliable transmission of genetic information. Because uncontrolled cell division is a feature of tumours, Aurora enzyme inhibitors are already being tested as new cancer treatments, and these new insights from basic research may prove to be of use for this clinical research.
Fission yeast cells with an active Aurora enzyme. The DNA (green) is distributed evenly into both daughter cells. Right: Fission yeast cells with an inhibited Aurora enzyme. The DNA is incorrectly distributed among the daughter cells.
Fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) is a unicellular fungus and an organism with a comparatively simple composition. Nonetheless, its cellular make-up is the same as that found in more complex organisms, for example humans. Therefore, fission yeast, which has a small genome and can easily be reproduced, lends itself well to the study of basic cell functions. Silke Hauf, Independent Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Society's Friedrich Miescher Laboratory and her colleague André Koch, together with Boris Macek, Director of the Proteome Center at the University of Tübingen and his colleagues Karsten Krug and Stuart Pengelley, carried out in-depth research on cell division in fission yeast.

During cell division, each daughter cell receives a complete copy of the mother cell's genetic information. To this end, the genetic information is bundled in the form of microscopically visible chromosomes. The chromosomes are separated and distributed to the daughter cells with the help of a spindle apparatus. "We have known for some time now that Aurora enzymes play a key role in these processes," says Silke Hauf. "They control the compaction of the chromosomes and regulate their attachment to the spindle apparatus." Like many other regulatory enzymes, Aurora enzymes trigger changes in the cell by attaching phosphate groups to other proteins.

Silke Hauf and Boris Macek combined their respective expertise in cell biology and proteomics to obtain an overview of the range of proteins that are altered by the Aurora enzymes. The researchers used a modern technique based on the labeling of proteins with stable isotopes and their identification using mass spectrometry. "This procedure, which is termed phosphoproteomics, enables us to carry out quantitative analyses on thousands of phosphorylated proteins in a single experiment. We were therefore able to identify dozens of new Aurora substrates in a single study. This process would have taken a very long time using conventional methods," explains Boris Macek. The researchers meticulously compared the phosphorylation events present on proteins of dividing cells in which Aurora enzymes were active with cells in which these enzymes were inhibited.

Using this approach, they were able to filter out 42 proteins, whose phosphorylation was dependent on the activity of the Aurora enzymes, among more than a thousand proteins, on which phosphate groups were found. "We found some proteins which we already knew to be altered by Aurora enzymes. A surprising finding, however, was the fact that Aurora also changes proteins which play an important role in the packaging of the DNA and others which play a role in protecting the DNA," reports Silke Hauf. "Overall, Aurora may be responsible for a considerably wider range of tasks in cell division than previously thought," adds André Koch, first author of the study.

Fission yeast is obviously not a human being. Nonetheless, many vital processes proceed in a very similar way in yeast and in human cells. Silke Hauf assumes that the new research findings will also apply to Aurora enzymes in humans. If this turns out to be correct, the results of the study will be relevant for the development of new cancer treatments that aim to attack the uncontrolled cell division of tumours. "Treatment with Aurora enzyme inhibitors, as is currently being tested in clinical trials, could have previously unexpected effects," says the scientist. Further research will be needed to establish whether Aurora inhibitors will prove helpful in blocking the growth of tumours or whether they may cause undesirable side effects.

Weak Synchronization in Toddler Brains May Be a Biological Marker for Autism

ScienceDaily (July 27, 2011) — The biological causes of autism are still not understood. A diagnosis of autism is only possible after ages three or four; and the tests are subjective, based on behavioral symptoms. Now, in research that appeared in Neuron, scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Carnegie Mellon University and the University of California, San Diego have found, for the first time, a method that can accurately identify a biological sign of autism in very young toddlers. By scanning the brain activity of sleeping children, the scientists discovered that the autistic brains exhibited significantly weaker synchronization between brain areas tied to language and communication, compared to that of non-autistic children.
As compared to the control brain (top), the autistic brain (bottom) shows weaker inter-hemispheric synchronization in several areas, particularly the superior temporal gyrus (light blue) and the inferior frontal gyrus (red).
"Identifying biological signs of autism has been a major goal for many scientists around the world, both because they may allow early diagnosis, and because they can provide researchers with important clues about the causes and development of the disorder," says postdoctoral fellow Dr. Ilan Dinstein, a member of the group of Prof. Rafael Malach, who headed this study in the Weizmann Institute's Neurobiology Department. While many scientists believe that faulty lines of communication between different parts of the brain are involved in the spectrum of autism disorders, there was no way to observe this in very young children, who are unable to lie still inside an fMRI scanner while they are awake.

But work by Malach's group and other research groups pointed to a solution. Their studies had shown that even during sleep, the brain does not actually switch off. Rather, the electrical activity of the brain cells switches over to spontaneous fluctuation. These fluctuations are coordinated across the two hemispheres of the brain such that each point on the left is synchronized with its corresponding point in the right hemisphere.

In sleeping autistic toddlers, the fMRI scans showed lowered levels of synchronization between the left and right brain areas known to be involved in language and communication. This pattern was not seen either in children with normal development or in those with delayed language development who were not autistic. In fact, the researchers found that this synchronization was strongly tied to the autistic child's ability to communicate: The weaker the synchronization, the more severe were the symptoms of autism. On the basis of the scans, the scientists were able to identify 70% of the autistic children between the ages of one and three.

Dinstein said, "This biological measurement could help diagnose autism at a very early stage. The goal for the near future is to find additional markers that can improve the accuracy and the reliability of the diagnosis."

Prof. Rafael Malach's research is supported by the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurosciences, which he heads; the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; the Carl and Micaela Einhorn-Dominic Brain Research Institute; the Friends of Dr. Lou Siminovitch; and the S. and J. Lurje Memorial Foundation. Prof. Malach is the recipient of the Helen and Martin Kimmel Award for Innovative Investigation. Prof. Malach is the incumbent of the Barbara and Morris L. Levinson Professorial Chair in Brain Research.

Are Cancers Newly Evolved Species?

ScienceDaily (July 27, 2011) — Cancer patients may view their tumors as parasites taking over their bodies, but this is more than a metaphor for Peter Duesberg, a molecular and cell biology professor at the University of California, Berkeley.
Staining chromosomes with different dyes highlights the orderly nature of the normal human karyotype (left), that is, humans have precisely two copies of each chromosome with no leftovers. A bladder cancer cell (right) has extra copies of some chromosomes, a few missing normal chromsomes, and a lot of hybrid or marker chromosomes, which characterize cancer cells.
Cancerous tumors are parasitic organisms, he said. Each one is a new species that, like most parasites, depends on its host for food, but otherwise operates independently and often to the detriment of its host.

In a paper published in the July 1 issue of the journal Cell Cycle, Duesberg and UC Berkeley colleagues describe their theory that carcinogenesis -- the generation of cancer -- is just another form of speciation, the evolution of new species.

A molecular biologists has long believed that cancer results from chromosome disruption rather than a handful of gene mutations, which is the dominant theory today. That idea has led him to propose that cancers have actually evolved new chromosomal karyotypes that qualify them as autonomous species, akin to parasites and much different from their human hosts.

"Cancer is comparable to a bacterial level of complexity, but still autonomous, that is, it doesn't depend on other cells for survival; it doesn't follow orders like other cells in the body, and it can grow where, when and how it likes," said Duesberg. "That's what species are all about."

This novel view of cancer could yield new insights into the growth and metastasis of cancer, Duesberg said, and perhaps new approaches to therapy or new drug targets. In addition, because the disrupted chromosomes of newly evolved cancers are visible in a microscope, it may be possible to detect cancers earlier, much as today's Pap smear relies on changes in the shapes of cervical cells as an indication of chromosomal problems that could lead to cervical cancer.

Carcinogenesis and evolution

The idea that cancer formation is akin to the evolution of a new species is not new, with various biologists hinting at it in the late 20th century. Evolutionary biologist Julian S. Huxley wrote in 1956 that "Once the neoplastic process has crossed the threshold of autonomy, the resultant tumor can be logically regarded as a new biologic species …."

Last year, Dr. Mark Vincent of the London Regional Cancer Program and University of Western Ontario argued in the journal Evolution that carcinogenesis and the clonal evolution of cancer cells are speciation events in the strict Darwinian sense.

The evolution of cancer "seems to be different from the evolution of a grasshopper, for instance, in part because the cancer genome is not a stable genome like that of other species. The challenging question is, what has it become?" Vincent said in an interview. "Duesberg's argument from karyotype is different from my argument from the definition of a species, but it is consistent."

Vincent noted that there are three known transmissible cancers, including devil facial tumor disease, a "parasitic cancer" that attacks and kills Tasmanian devils. It is transmitted from one animal to another by a whole cancer cell. A similar parasitic cancer, canine transmissible venereal tumor, is transmitted between dogs via a single cancer cell that has a genome dating from the time when dogs were first domesticated. A third transmissible cancer was found in hamsters.

"Cancer has become a successful parasite," Vincent said.

Mutation theory vs. aneuploidy

Duesbeg's arguments derive from his controversial proposal that the reigning theory of cancer -- that tumors begin when a handful of mutated genes send a cell into uncontrolled growth -- is wrong. He argues, instead, that carcinogenesis is initiated by a disruption of the chromosomes, which leads to duplicates, deletions, breaks and other chromosomal damage that alter the balance of tens of thousands of genes. The result is a cell with totally new traits -- that is, a new phenotype.

"I think Duesberg is correct by criticizing mutation theory, which sustains a billion-dollar drug industry focused on blocking these mutations," said Vincent, a medical oncologist. "Yet very, very few cancers have been cured by targeted drug therapy, and even if a drug helps a patient survive six or nine more months, cancer cells often find a way around it."

Chromosomal disruption, called aneuploidy, is known to cause disease. Down syndrome, for example, is caused by a third copy of chromosome 21, one of the 23 pairs of human chromosomes. All cancer cells are aneuploid, Duesberg said, though proponents of the mutation theory of cancer argue that this is a consequence of cancer, not the cause.

Key to Duesberg's theory is that some initial chromosomal mutation -- perhaps impairing the machinery that duplicates or segregates chromosomes in preparation for cell division -- screws up a cell's chromosomes, breaking some or making extra copies of others. Normally this would be a death sentence for a cell, but in rare cases, he said, such disrupted chromosomes might be able to divide further, perpetuating and compounding the damage. Over decades, continued cell division would produce many unviable cells as well as a few still able to divide autonomously and seed cancer.

Duesberg asserts that cancers are new species because those viable enough to continue dividing develop relatively stable chromosome patterns, called karyotypes, distinct from the chromosome pattern of their human host. While all known organisms today have stable karyotypes, with all cells containing precisely two or four copies of each chromosome, cancers exhibit a more flexible and unpredictable karyotype, including not only intact chromosomes from the host, but also partial, truncated and mere stumps of chromosomes.

"If humans changed their karyotype -- the number and arrangement of chromosomes -- we would either die or be unable to mate, or in very rare cases become another species," Duesberg said. But cancer cells just divide and make more of themselves. They don't have to worry about reproduction, which is sensitive to chromosomal balance. In fact, as long as the genes for mitosis are still intact, a cancer cell can survive with many disrupted and unbalanced chromosomes, such as those found in an aneuploid cell, he said.

The karyotype does change as a cancer cell divides, because the chromosomes are disrupted and thus don't copy perfectly. But the karyotype is "only flexible within a certain margin," Duesberg said. "Within these margins it remains stable, despite its flexibility."

Karyographs display karyotype variability

Duesberg and his colleagues developed karyographs as a way to display the aneuploid nature of a cell's karyotype and its stability across numerous cell cultures. Using these karyographs, he and his colleagues analyzed several cancers, clearly demonstrating that the karyotype is amazingly similar in all cells of a specific cancer line, yet totally different from the karyotypes of other cancers and even the same type of cancer from a different patient.

HeLa cells are a perfect example. Perhaps the most famous cancer cell line in history, HeLa cells were obtained in 1951 from a cervical cancer that eventually killed a young black woman named Henrietta Lacks. The 60-year-old cell line derived from her cancer has a relatively stable karyotype that keeps it alive through division after division.

"Once a cell has crossed that barrier of autonomy, it's a new species," Duesberg said. "HeLa cells have evolved in the laboratory and are now even more stable than they probably were when they first arose."

The individualized karyotypes of cancers resemble the distinct karyotypes of different species,, Duesberg said. While biologists have not characterized the karyotypes of most species, no two species are known that have the same number and arrangement of chromosomes, including those of, for example, gorillas and humans, who share 99 percent of their genes.

Duesberg argues that his speciation theory explains cancer's autonomy, immortality and flexible, but relatively stable, karyotype. It also explains the long latency period between initial aneuploidization and full blown cancer, because there is such a low probability of evolving an autonomous karyotype.

"You start with a chromosomal mutation, that is, aneuploidy perhaps from X-rays or cigarettes or radiation, that destabilizes and eventually changes your karyotype or renders it non-viable," he said. "The rare viable aneuploidies of cancers are, in effect, the karyotypes of new species."

Duesberg hopes that the carcinogenesis-equals-speciation theory will spur new approaches to diagnosing and treating cancer. Vincent, for example, suspects that cancers are operating right at the edge of survivability, maintaining genomic flexibility while retaining the ability to divide forever. Driving them to evolve even faster, he said, "might push them over the edge."

Duesberg's colleagues are postdoctoral fellow Daniele Mandrioli and research associate Amanda McCormack of UC Berkeley and graduate student Joshua M. Nicholson in the Department of Biological Sciences at Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

Duesberg's research is funded by the Abraham J. and Phyllis Katz Foundation, philanthropists Dr. Christian Fiala, Rajeev and Christine Joshi, Robert Leppo and Peter Rozsa of the Taubert Memorial Foundation, other private sources and the Forschungsfonds der Fakultät für Klinische Medizin Mannheim der Universität Heidelberg.