Veterinary Medicine Update |  |  |
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- Antibiotic use in livestock can assist drug-resistant infections
FDA data show that U.S. food animals consumed about 29 million pounds of antibiotics last year, and scientists say the practice threatens to undermine the effectiveness of the drugs in fighting human infections. Meat producers sometimes dose livestock with the bacteria-fighting drugs to keep infections from spreading through flocks. Some are concerned overuse will lead to antibiotics becoming less effective in people and animals. New drug-resistant strains of infections kill an estimated 100,000 people annually, and researchers face numerous obstacles in developing new antibiotics. Los Angeles Times (12/14) , Newsweek(12/7)
- Learn more: Read AVMA's resources on antimicrobial use and antimicrobial resistance.
- Pa. tiger recovering from systemic bacterial infection
A 13-week-old female Amur tiger cub at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium is recovering after being treated for a serious systemic bacterial infection caused by an abscess that developed at the base of its skull. The cub is part of a conservation effort to save the endangered Amur tiger, also known as a Siberian tiger. Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (12/15)
- Starfish could help in search for anti-inflammatory drugs
Researchers have found that the spiny starfish thriving in Scotland's coastal waters are covered with a nonstick slimy goo that helps keep their surface clear from bacteria, viruses, larvae and other marine life. Researchers hope to use the finding to develop treatments for asthma, arthritis, hay fever and other inflammatory diseases. BBC (12/9)
 | 14.2% of social-media strategies deemed very effective
The buzz around social media — and whether or not it is worth the effort — continues to be a leading business concern. SmartBrief's State of Social Media for Business sheds light on obstacles & opportunities in using social media to produce measurable results. SmartBrief readers get a 15% discount. |

- The unusual things pets ate this year
Pet owners spent millions this year treating animals that had ingested everything from jellyfish to jumper cables, according to a list from Veterinary Pet Insurance. Questionable meal decisions by dogs and cats cost policyholders almost $3 million in veterinary bills in 2010, VPI says. Daily News (New York) (12/15)
- Pets are at increased risk during winter
The cold weather during the winter season could put pets at risk for frostbite, dehydration and other hazards, experts say. Owners are reminded to take precautionary measures to help their pets survive winter, including providing adequate food, shelter and water. The Bismarck Tribune (N.D.) (12/13)
- Animals calm stress for those far from home
A growing number of U.S. military bases in Afghanistan are providing homes for stray dogs and cats, giving Marines and soldiers comfort when they're far from home. At Tufts University in Massachusetts and other college campuses, university staffers help students stressed out by exams decompress by bringing in therapy dogs for them to play with. Stars and Stripes (12/11) , The Boston Globe (12/14)
- Survey: Top execs tend to be dog owners
Dog owners are more likely to work their way to top corporate positions, holding more CEO, chief financial officer and executive vice president positions than owners of other pets, according to a survey from CareerBuilder. Among the additional findings: Bird owners are more satisfied with their jobs, reptile owners are more likely pull down six-figure salaries, and doctors are more likely to be cat owners, while nurses opt for dogs. WTOP-FM (Washington, D.C.) (12/14)
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- The 2 most important steps to landing a bank loan
If you've managed to survive this far into the economic downturn, banks may look more favorably on your loan application. The two keys to getting a loan are to find the right Small Business Administration-approved lender for your business and to put together the best possible application by including a great business plan and detailed and organized financial statements, writes Christine Reilly.'s Tip blog (12/13)
 | Olympic leadership lessons from USA Basketball
Discover the tactics that Jerry Colangelo employed to overcome USA Basketball's Olympic losing streak. Learn how Colangelo and Coach K built a team that could compete internationally & how to adapt your leadership style to gain the same type of success. Check out Sustaining the Leadership Edge for just $75. |

Policy Watch |  |  |
- Illinois city passes dog-tethering ordinance
The City Council in Olney, Ill., on Monday approved an ordinance that outlaws the tethering of dogs, except for instances such as walking a dog on a leash or while at a legal animal function. The measure imposes fines of up to $60 for first-time violators and $750 for repeat offenders. Olney Daily Mail (Ill.) (12/14)

AVMA in the News |  |  |
Association News |  |  |
- The Jan. 1 issue of JAVMA News is available online
News and feature articles about the veterinary profession and animal health are available online for free from the twice-monthly Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Read the Jan. 1 JAVMA News.
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