USA (Oregon): LeptospirosisNovember 6, 2010. A sharp increase in the number of sick and dead California sea lions has been reported along the Oregon Coast in recent weeks, and necropsies conducted on dozens of the animals suggest that many may have died from leptospirosis [...] AFRICA (Lesotho): AnthraxNovember 6, 2010. Two deaths in sheep in a village in Mohale’s Hoek were confirmed as due to anthrax infection [...] AFRICA (South Africa): AnthraxNovember 5, 2010. An anthrax outbreak in the Kruger National Park (KNP) claimed at least 65 animals in September 2010. The actual deaths could be much higher as carcasses are not easily found and the park has only one dedicated team on the ground [...] ASIA (South Korea): Low Pathogenic Avian InfluenzaNovember 4, 2010. As part of the continuous avian influenza surveillance programme, Jeollanam-do Institute of Livestock and Veterinary Science tested samples (fæces and laryngo-pharyngeal swabs) collected from a duck farm in Sukma-ri on 27 October and confirmed the presence of LPAI H7N6 [...] ASIA (Afghanistan): LeishmaniasisNovember 4, 2010. In the Islam Qala area, on the border with Iran, a new outbreak of Leishmaniasis has recently afflicted the local population [...] ASIA (India) Japanese EncephalitisNovember 3, 2010. Two more persons succumbed to encephalitis here, taking the death toll in the brain fever to 469 in eastern Uttar Pradesh this year, a health official said [...] EUROPE (UK) AnthraxNovember 3, 2010. The Health Protection Agency (HPA) confirmed the death of a patient who was an injecting drug user, under treatment for anthrax infection in a Kent hospital [...] SOUTH AMERICA (Argentina): TrichinellosisNovember 2, 2010. An outbreak of trichinellosis cases was recorded in the city of Cordoba. This was confirmed by the Ministry of Health, Cordoba [...] To view reported cases of animal diseases visit the EMPRES-i website. EMPRES-i is a global animal health information system of the FAO's EMPRES programme that focuses on the user need to easily find and collect in one place all the information available for animal health and transboundary animal diseases. EMPRES-i compiles, stores and verifies animal diseases outbreaks data (including zoonoses) from numerous sources (e.g. FAO representatives, FAO reports, OIE reports, official government, European Commission, FAO reference centres and laboratories) for early warning and risk analysis. LATEST NEWS – FOOD SAFETY Multistate Outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 Infections Associated with CheeseNovember 5, 2010. CDC has issued an alert to consumers and health professionals about an outbreak of E.coli O157:H7 in five states: Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada [...] Chinese more worried about food safety than cancer- surveyChinese consumers rate food safety as the second gravest risk to health, with only earthquakes triggering more anxiety, according to a recent report from an insurance company [...] New method brings computer detection of foodborne pathogens a step closerOctober 26, 2010. US researchers claim to have taken a major step towards teaching computers to detect and classify foodborne pathogens such as Listeria, E.coli and salmonella in real time [...] OTHER NEWS Use and Environmental Occurrence of Antibiotics in Freestall Dairy Farms with Manured Forage Fields This study investigates the use and occurrence of antibiotics in dairy Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations and their potential transport into first-encountered groundwater. Despite decades of use, antibiotic occurrence appeared constrained to within farm boundaries [...] Wildlife Health Reporting Tools May Help Prevent Human IllnessTwo new tools that enable the public to report sick or dead wild animals could also lead to the detection and containment of wildlife disease outbreaks that may pose a health risk to people. The Wildlife Health Event Reporter (WHER) is a new website that enables to report sightings of sick or dead wildlife [...] ANNOUNCEMENTS Journal of Parasitology and Vector Biology (JPVB) Call for papers/Reviewers Journal of Parasitology and Vector Biology (JPVB) publishes high-quality articles in English, in all areas of the subject. All papers published by JPVB are peer reviewed [...] International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance – Call for papers The organisers call for the online submission of absracts latest by December 1, 2010 and the abstract acceptance/rejection would be notified by December 22, 2010 [...] International Conference on Animal Health - Call for Papers The organisers of the International Conference on Animal Health to be held in May 2010 at Lyon, France invites papers for the conference. The deadline for submission of papers is Dec 1, 2010 [...] 30th World Veterinary Congress – Call for Papers The Scientific Committee of the 30th World Veterinary Congress welcomes the submission of both research abstracts and full continuing professional development papers in all spheres of veterinary science. The deadline for submission is 15th January 2011 and authors of accepted papers will be notified by 1st March 2011 [...] 15th International Congress on Infectious DiseasesBangkok has been selected by the International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) as the venue for the 15th Onternational Congress on Infectious Diseases in June 13-16, 2012. The deadline for the submission of abstracts would be February 12, 2012 [...] |
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sexta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2010
Veterinary Public Health (VPH) - FAO
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